Acumenta Literature Lab™

Category Cross-Omics>Data/Text Mining Systems/Tools

Abstract Literature Lab is an advanced text analytics/text mining solution.

It is a method of automated literature interrogation to infer biology from microarray analysis.

Literature Lab can discover key biological processes by identifying meritorious associations between experimentally derived gene sets and key terms within the biomedical literature.

Literature Lab statistically assesses identified associations within the corpus of medical literature between sets of experimentally derived genes and key terms derived from curated or MeSH lists.

The manufacturer has demonstrated that their methodology can identify previously reported relationships and can result in discovery.

It enables scientists to accelerate identification of testable hypotheses through accurate enrichment of any list of genes or proteins in pathways, diseases, compounds/drugs and other dimensions, with relationships that the scientist can explore in the literature with a single mouse click.

Through rigorous analysis of the most recent 10 million PubMed abstracts (1990 to the present), important and unanticipated lines of inquiry are revealed by Literature Lab on a single Highlights page.

Literature Lab eliminates conventional PubMed searching while assuring the scientist that every PubMed abstract has been reviewed for content that enriches the users’ gene list.

According to the manufacturer - A Literature Lab analysis on 50 genes is the equivalent of 3.8 Billion manual searches.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based approaches and summarization engines provide useful reading material to the scientist.

However, Literature Lab is advancement because it enriches the scientists’ genes of interest in multiple biological domains, identifying research inflection points and accelerating the track to new learning and meaningful testable hypotheses.

Some important differences include:

1) Literature Lab bases its analysis on the similarities within a group of genes;

2) Literature Lab performs numerical and statistical analysis on co-occurrences that exist in the literature to identify novel areas of exploration; and

3) Literature Lab provides comparisons among multiple enriched data sets.

In the case of analysis of microarray experiment data, Literature Lab differs greatly from and is complimentary to curated databases and ontology-based approaches to understanding the results of experiments.

It has the advantage of connecting the scientist directly to the literature that describes the biological functions significantly associated with their work.

Insights and annotations can be added to Literature Lab results and made sharable with colleagues, accelerating organizational learning and response to new ideas.

Acumenta Gene Thesaurus™ --

Acumenta provides the Acumenta Gene Thesaurus as an integral part of its software offering.

This Thesaurus of human gene and protein nomenclature contains gene and protein names, symbols and their aliases.

It is produced through a combination of Acumenta technology and human curation.

When an Acumenta user composes a search that involves a gene or protein, the search is expanded to include all appropriate aliases for that gene or protein to find search results.

This ensures that the search will deliver a set of relevant literature and patent results that is as complete as possible.

The Acumenta Gene Thesaurus is used by Literature Lab to assure that a complete set of abstracts is obtained for each gene.

Because the Gene Thesaurus is genome-wide, it enables Literature Lab to operate with the widest possible data set for statistical analysis.

The Acumenta Gene Thesaurus currently contains almost 33,000 active gene names and over 178,000 gene names and gene and protein aliases and is updated regularly.

Whenever a user starts the Acumenta software application on a new day, any updates to the Acumenta Gene Thesaurus are automatically downloaded.

System Requirements

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Manufacturer Web Site Acumenta Literature Lab

Price Contact manufacturer.

G6G Abstract Number 20596

G6G Manufacturer Number 104199